“Prayer is the lifting up of the mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God.”
— St. John Damascene
The St. Margaret’s Prayer Chain
“Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping watchful in it with thanksgiving.” Colossians 4:2
Prayer is vital to everything that we do as a church, and so our desire is to make dependence on God through intercessory and petitionary prayer foundational to our life together here at St. Margaret’s. God has chosen to dispense his graces through the work of the prayers of his people, and so intercession is our way of participating in God’s work in the world.
The St. Margaret’s Prayer Chain is a group made up of active church members and regular attenders who receive prayer requests by email and commit to praying at least once for each request. When a prayer request is submitted to the Prayer Chain, every member of the chain prays for that request.
Prayer requests will be reviewed by the prayer dispatcher before being sent out. Prayer requests are only for those who attend St. Margaret’s, members of our families, and people closely connected to us. It is primarily for our own parish family, and secondarily for those we love. Requests that are more than one step removed from our congregation will not be sent out to the Prayer Chain. This is because we take our work of intercessory prayer seriously and can really only commit to interceding well and intentionally for a finite number of people.
Another reason for this is that the natural outflowing of intercessory prayer is loving concern and follow-up. We encourage our intercessors to reach out and follow up with those for whom they have been praying. And we encourage those who submit their prayer requests to update us when their prayers have been answered.
Because we cannot ensure confidentiality, if you are submitting a request on behalf of somebody else, you must have that person’s permission to do so. Prayer requests that are confidential should not be sent to the Prayer Chain.